• Live life in alignment

    When you are in alignment, you are vibrating at a high frequency that allows you to attract things into your life that match that vibration. This is how you manifest your dream job, your dream partner, financial abundance, or whatever you truly desire.

  • Tap in to your potential

    We are all healers. We are all psychic. We are all connected to source. We all create our own realities. By understanding the laws of the universe, how to work within the metaphysical world, and by tapping in to your unique abilities, you can then step into your role as the creator.

  • Learn to love yourself

    The ultimate goal of healing is to truly love yourself, the light as well as the shadow. When you begin to love yourself unconditionally, you allow yourself to give and receive unconditional love as well. You begin to vibrate at the frequency of love, and in turn, you attract that high vibration as well.

  • Fulfill your purpose

    Through past life exploration, diving deep into your shadow, activating and integrating higher vibrational energies, and connecting with your higher self, you will be able to find your soul purpose. You’ll be able to see why you are here, what you’re here to give to the world, and what you’re here to learn in this human experience.

  • Find your people

    You may be feeling alone in this journey, but you are not. Once you accept yourself, love yourself, and make the conscious decision to be unapologetically you, you will begin to attract like minded people into your life.

Do not put yourself in a box.

This is a space to share knowledge, experiences, and services to those who do not seem to quite ‘fit in,’ who are questioning their reality, and looking to find the big answers for themselves.

The intention is to empower you to not only heal yourself and raise your vibration, but to dive deep into the depths of your soul without fear, because you feel you have the tools to navigate not only the light, but the dark. We are here to provide you the support, the tools, the backup, and the community to feel safe and comfortable exploring the unknown.

Fringe Spirit is not your typical ‘love and light’ community. We work within the dualistic nature of this universe in order to understand not only the light, but the dark as well. This allows you to embrace both sides of yourself, merge them into one, and use that to step into your power.

We are all psychic.

Yeah, I said it, we are ALL psychic. The goal is to get as many people tapped into their potential as possible, through 1-1 channeling sessions, healing sessions, workshops, webinars, group work, you name it. We are here to empower you to fully step into YOUR power and to realize you have all of the answers within you.

Take the leap.

Make the intention.

It’s time to let go of the version of yourself you’ve been, and embrace the version you’re meant to be.

Are you sick of repeating old patterns, attracting the same toxic people into your life, and feeling like you’re living life on autopilot? Are you ready to enjoy the little things in life, love yourself, and find your passions? Are you ready to expand your mind, explore the unknown, and find out who you truly are?

You’re in the right place.

How we can help